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Empty & Empty



Can’t say “Yes” to something that doesn’t exist,
Nor can you say "none".

Empty & Empty





Rice paper


In Buddhism, Buddha-nature love is selfless, natural, unconditional, without distinction, permanence, unchanging, without hatred, suffering, fear, and pain. In Tibet, monks carve mantras onto wheels, and they spin the wheel to gain internal peace. This concept gave me the idea for this installation work. I made six carved-stamp characters, placing them on a prayer wheel. Next, I rolled the stamp into ink to form a random, rotating pattern. The prayer wheel leaves ink marks on the paper in each circle, and the impressions are not the same. As the ink is taken away from the prayer wheel by the paper, the ink marks will gradually fade until they disappear. Each ink mark is like a period of life, and the thick ink now of birth gradually disappears into peace. The papers create a coincident friction sound against my clothes as I walkthrough. This remarkably calm, relaxed, and tolerant sound, like the love this device, conveys to me, but it is fleeting and slowly fading. Maybe in a certain season, a few decades later, it will decay into ashes, enter the soil, and decompose, but it will be used as fertilizer for a flower to let it blossom.

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